What's New in Screvi - December 2024
Check out our latest features including daily review emails, explore tab, Android app, and upcoming features.
It's a been busy few weeks with a ton of new features and upgrades:
Chrome Extension
The first version of the screvi chrome extension is live!
Previously, only iOS users were able to import their kindle highlights, but now
you can import kindle highlights directly from your browser as well.
That is the core feature of the extension for now, but the following features are on the roadmap:
- Twitter and Bluesky Bookmark Sync
- Web Highlighter, so you can highlight any article on the web
- Automatic background sync
You can Download it here
Semantic AI Search
A beta version of Semantic Search has been released! This means that you can now search your highlights by topics and ideas.
For example: You highlighted something that mentioned "being brave", but you can't remember exactly how it was written.
Before, if you didn't know exactly how it was written you had no way of finding it
But now, you can search for "being brave" and it'll find the highlight even if what was actually written was "courage" or "don't be afraid".
Available on the web app right now and the iOS app soon.
Note: Old highlights may not show up in the search results yet.
Android Version: Need Your Help
Screvi v1.00 for Android is finished, but new Google Play Policies require at least 20 people to test the app before it's generally available.
If you'd like to help out and be an early user of the android version, follow these steps:
- Join the Group: https://groups.google.com/g/screvi
- Web Link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.screvi.app
- Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.screvi.app
Once you've installed the app and created an account, let me know and I'll give you access to screvi!
Improved Readwise Integration
You can now directly import all your highlights and sources from Readwise via the Readwise API. Much more reliable than the previous csv import.
Help Screvi Grow
Screvi is still in a beta phase, so all your feedback and bug reports are extremely useful. If you have any, don't hesisate to get in touch with me at [email protected].
And if you can, leave a 5 star review in the iOS App Store and in the Chrome Marketplace!