Built to Last
by Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras
"Built to Last" by Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras explores the characteristics that distinguish visionary companies from their competitors, emphasizing their long-term success and enduring principles. The authors analyze various companies to identify key practices, such as a strong core ideology and a focus on innovation, that contribute to lasting greatness. The book serves as a guide for organizations seeking to build sustainable success over time.
20 curated highlights from this book
Key Insights & Memorable Quotes
Below are the most impactful passages and quotes from Built to Last, carefully selected to capture the essence of the book.
Good is the enemy of great.
The most successful companies are not just focused on profits, but on a core purpose.
Built to Last companies have a core ideology that remains fixed while their practices and strategies endlessly adapt to a changing world.
Visionary companies are not afraid to take risks and to innovate.
Preserve the core and stimulate progress.
The key to achieving greatness is to focus on what you can control.
Enduring companies have a strong sense of purpose and core values.
Great companies make a lasting impact on their industries and communities.
A visionary company is one that knows what it stands for.
The culture of a company is its backbone.
Companies that endure over the long haul are those that have an unwavering vision.
The key to success is not just having a great idea but also the discipline to follow through.
Great organizations are built on a foundation of core values.
The best companies are those that adapt to change while maintaining their core ideology.
Sustained success comes from a relentless focus on what you can do best.
A great company is one that creates a culture of innovation.
Enduring companies are often led by visionary leaders who inspire and motivate.
To build a lasting company, you must embrace both perseverance and flexibility.