Book Notes/Everything Is Figureoutable

Everything Is Figureoutable

by Marie Forleo

In "Everything Is Figureoutable," Marie Forleo presents a mindset shift that encourages readers to adopt a problem-solving attitude towards life's challenges. She combines personal anecdotes, practical advice, and actionable strategies to help individuals overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. The central message emphasizes that with determination and resourcefulness, any problem can be tackled effectively.

18 curated highlights from this book

Key Insights & Memorable Quotes

Below are the most impactful passages and quotes from Everything Is Figureoutable, carefully selected to capture the essence of the book.

Everything is figureoutable.
Your past does not equal your future.
Clarity comes from engagement, not thought.
The only way to get a result is to take action.
Fear is not the enemy; it’s a compass.
Challenges are just opportunities in disguise.
If you want to be successful, you have to be willing to be uncomfortable.
Your dreams are worth pursuing.
The most important thing is to take the first step.
Everything you need to succeed is already within you.
Your ability to figure things out is limitless.
When you change your thinking, you change your life.
Success is not about perfection; it’s about progress.
The world needs your unique gifts.
Action creates clarity.
You don’t have to know how; you just have to start.
Your dreams don’t have an expiration date.
Everything you need is already within you.