Book Notes/Sell or Be Sold: How to Get Your Way in Business and in Life
Cover of Sell or Be Sold: How to Get Your Way in Business and in Life

Sell or Be Sold: How to Get Your Way in Business and in Life

by Grant Cardone

13 popular highlights from this book

Key Insights & Memorable Quotes

Below are the most popular and impactful highlights and quotes from Sell or Be Sold: How to Get Your Way in Business and in Life:

Become so sold, so convinced, so committed to your company, product, and service that you believe it would be a terrible thing for the buyer to do business anywhere else with any other product.
Most people do not attack their projects with “I-have-to-get-it-done-now” urgency and therefore they do not get it done. Most people never commit like fanatics, and therefore they never become fantastic.
There will be times when you’ll have to handle the buyer on money. Sometimes I remind a person, “While I agree it’s a lot of money for a gift, there’s no shortage of money on this planet. But there is a shortage of people who’ve found the love of their life and who know how to show their appreciation for that person. Be grateful you’ve got someone to love. Now, how would you like to handle this?” Now that’s selling! If the buyer is totally convinced it’s right, he will chew off his own foot to have it!
A little imagination combined with massive action goes a long way.
No commitment equals no results.
Your ability to do well in life depends on your ability to sell others on the things in which you believe!
The individual who combines a great attitude with a great product becomes unstoppable!
The burden of the entire economy of our culture today rests on the ability of salespeople.
No person will ever gain true power and stature in the world without the ability to persuade others.
La ineludible verdad es que, para ser realmente bueno en algo, debes entregarte por completo a ello.
Ventas, un modo de vida
Vender (según el Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary) es la acción de persuadir o influir los actos o la aceptación de alguien más.
If most of your customers are grinding you on price, then your level of service is not obvious to them. Otherwise, they wouldn't grind you on just price because they would value the service you're giving them.

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