The Name of the Wind
"The Name of the Wind" follows the story of Kvothe, a gifted young man who becomes a legendary figure known for his skills in music, magic, and storytelling. As he recounts his life to a chronicler, Kvothe reveals his tumultuous childhood, his time at a prestigious university, and the personal tragedies that shaped him. The novel blends elements of fantasy and adventure, exploring themes of identity, loss, and the power of narrative.
10 curated highlights from this book
Key Insights & Memorable Quotes
Below are the most impactful passages and quotes from The Name of the Wind, carefully selected to capture the essence of the book.
It's like a form of magic, really. The way stories can weave themselves into the fabric of our lives.
A man who seeks revenge should remember to dig two graves.
The name you give a thing is the thing you have to carry with you.
It is the questions we can’t answer that teach us the most.
In the silence, he could hear the echoes of his own heart.
You can’t know what you don’t know.
Life is not a song. Life is not a story. Life is a journey we must take ourselves.
The world is a dark place, but that doesn’t mean we have to be.
I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I have stolen the blood-red kiss from a sleeping beauty.