Book Notes/You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth
Cover of You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth

You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth

by Jen Sincero

30 popular highlights from this book

Key Insights & Memorable Quotes

Below are the most popular and impactful highlights and quotes from You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth:

The walls of your comfort zone are lovingly decorated with your lifelong collection of favorite excuses.
Worrying is praying for stuff you don't want.
What comes out of your mouth comes into your life.
Time wasted rationalizing the mediocre could be time spent creating the magnificent.
RICH: Able to afford all the things and experiences required to fully experience your most authentic life.
What you focus on you create more of.
Your heart is the most powerful muscle in your body. Do what it says.
You can have excuses or you can have success; you can't have both.
When you don’t investigate what’s going on with your words, thoughts, and beliefs, you risk stumbling through life on autopilot.
Believe that you are worthy of financial freedom. Do something you love and then all you ever have to do is be yourself to succeed. If you sell something you love, then you just sell love, not a specific product or service, and that will show.
Pay attention to the things you’re drawn to, the things you’re good at, the things you lose yourself in, the things that make you stand up and say, “My foot! I can’t feel my foot!” because you’ve been sitting in the same position for hours, totally engrossed.
We’ve been raised to believe that you have to work hard to make money, and certainly there are times when this is true, but the real secret is you have to take huge, uncomfy risks. You have to do stuff you’ve never done before, to make yourself visible, to acknowledge your own
What you focus on you create more of, so if the plan is to get rich, you’re gonna want to focus on abundance as much as possible. Give as much as you can as often as you can, receive with gratitude and joy, think of money as your pal, raise your frequency and get in the flow, yo.
When we don’t master our minds, we risk building our lives on a foundation of flimsiness.
Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.
There is no lack of things to be grateful for if you remember to pay attention.
What you can and can’t afford is all in your mind.
Faith is required if you’re going to upgrade from rickety to rolling in it because faith is the part of us that dares to believe that an unseen, unproven, and often proven otherwise, brand-new, and awesome reality is within our grasp.
When it comes to changing your life, if you’re not scared, you’re doing something wrong.
Opportunity is in the eye of the beholder.
Nothing happens or comes to be without being thought first:
You can’t experience new lands from the confines of your comfort zone.
The thoughts, beliefs, and emotions we don’t consciously reject, we unconsciously accept.
Where there’s a will there’s a way; we just prefer to pretend there isn’t a way so we don’t have to take responsibility and do the uncomfortable stuff required to grow.
When we focus on the money instead of working ourselves to death, and get mighty clear about how much we desire to make and what we can do differently in order to make it happen, we open the door to new freedoms.
Money always comes to you through other people, but it comes from Universal Intelligence, as do all things. Which is why focusing on the frequency of your thoughts, not the people you hope to make money from, is the key to getting rich.
Snobbery works in both directions—if you’re rich, thinking you’re better than those who aren’t is as equally lame as being broke and thinking you’re better than those who are rich.
Think about it: Just standing next to someone who’s being totally who they are, who is lit up by life, who goes for it fully, who believes anything is possible, who is excited to be in on the adventure of spinning around on this planet, who allows themselves to look stupid, to fail, to succeed, to be rich, to be generous, to basically be, do, and have all the things and experiences that make them the most themselves—it makes you feel like you could go out and flip over a car, right? So why not be that for someone else by being the most you that you can be too?
We tend to hold on to resentment because we feel like the nitwit who wronged us doesn’t deserve foreignness. Meanwhile, the only person being punished by your resentment is you. Forgiveness is about you deserving peace, not necessarily about others deserving your forgiveness. You are allowing nasty those of nasty things to take up precious space in your mind. If you love yourself, you’ll end your own torture and let it go. (239)
Time comes to those who make it, not those who try to find it.

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