Author Collection

Christopher Alexander

1 book with highlights


Featured Highlights

To design is to become sensitive to the way things are connected.

From The Timeless Way of Building

A building can only be alive if it fits into its context.

From The Timeless Way of Building

To build is to make a statement about life and how we relate to it.

From The Timeless Way of Building

The patterns of life are the key to creating enduring structures.

From The Timeless Way of Building

A pattern is a solution to a problem in a context.

From The Timeless Way of Building

Beauty arises from harmony and balance.

From The Timeless Way of Building

What is built requires us to participate in its making.

From The Timeless Way of Building

Each building must be a part of a larger whole.

From The Timeless Way of Building

In every great work of art, there is a living quality that speaks to us.

From The Timeless Way of Building

Patterns are the essence of architecture.

From The Timeless Way of Building