Author Collection

Immanuel Kant

2 books with highlights


Featured Highlights

Synthetic judgments are those that add something to our knowledge.

From The Critique of Pure Reason

The concept of duty is the foundation of all moral philosophy.

From The Metaphysics of Morals

Ideas are the necessary conditions under which we are able to think about things.

From The Critique of Pure Reason

The understanding does not derive its laws from, but imposes them upon, the objects of experience.

From The Critique of Pure Reason

The critique of pure reason is a judgment of reason upon itself.

From The Critique of Pure Reason

Freedom is the only condition under which a rational being can be the author of a law.

From The Metaphysics of Morals

An action is morally good if it is done from duty, not merely in accordance with duty.

From The Metaphysics of Morals

The principle of non-contradiction is the foundation of all logical reasoning.

From The Critique of Pure Reason

Man is not merely a means to an end, but always at the same time an end.

From The Metaphysics of Morals

Duty is the necessity to act out of reverence for the law.

From The Metaphysics of Morals