Author Collection

Leslie Jamison

1 book with highlights


Featured Highlights

In the end, we are all just trying to make sense of our own suffering.

From The Empathy Exams

Empathy is not just about feeling for someone; it’s about feeling with them.

From The Empathy Exams

The stories we tell ourselves shape the way we interact with the world.

From The Empathy Exams

Empathy can be a form of activism, a way to bring attention to the experiences of others.

From The Empathy Exams

Art can be a bridge to empathy, a means to understand lives we don’t live.

From The Empathy Exams

To truly empathize, we must confront our own experiences with pain and loss.

From The Empathy Exams

Suffering is not a competition, but a shared human condition.

From The Empathy Exams

We need to learn how to listen to other people’s stories, and to let them change us.

From The Empathy Exams

The act of empathy requires us to be vulnerable, to open ourselves to others’ pain.

From The Empathy Exams

The experience of pain is a universal one, but the way we understand it is inherently personal.

From The Empathy Exams