Author Collection
Aldous Huxley
1 book with highlights
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The more you know, the more you realize you don't know.
From Brave New World
It was decided that the only way to avoid war was to eliminate the possibility of war.
From Brave New World
The individual is not a unit of the social order.
From Brave New World
The greatest triumphs of science have resulted from the collaboration of many different minds.
From Brave New World
Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly—they'll go through anything.
From Brave New World
We also predestine and condition. We decant our babies as socialized human beings.
From Brave New World
I want to know what you think of me. I want to be loved.
From Brave New World
Experience is not what happens to you; it's what you do with what happens to you.
From Brave New World