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People who don’t have skin in the game are often the cause of the problem.
The societal implications of AI must be addressed proactively.
Wealthy people are not always rich.
From The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
It's full of phonies, and all you do is study so that you can learn enough to be smart enough to be able to buy a goddam Cadillac some day.
From The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
Engineers are the unsung heroes of modern civilization.
The modern grocery store is a microcosm of our society.
We have always been a species that thrives on exchange.
From The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley
Epidemic diseases shaped the destinies of human societies throughout history.
From Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond
Every epidemic is a window into the social fabric of a city.
From The Ghost Map by Steven Johnson
The Agricultural Revolution was history's biggest fraud.
Justice means minding your own business and not meddling with other men's concerns.
From The Republic by Plato
Sustainability is not just an option; it is a necessity for the future.
Artificial intelligence has the potential to reshape not just our economies but our societies and our very understanding of what it means to be human.
The grocery store is a theater of the absurd, where the mundane meets the fantastic.
In a world where expertise is devalued, we are left with opinions, not facts.
From The Death of Expertise by Tom Nichols
A good society is one that allows its members to strive for the truth.
The history of debt is a history of human relationships.
Civilization is more fragile than we like to imagine.
No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.
From The Republic by Plato
The domestication of animals was crucial for the development of human societies.
From Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond
Criticism of expertise has become a badge of honor.
From The Death of Expertise by Tom Nichols
Trade has always been the engine of human progress.
From The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley
Women are told to be nice, but they are often penalized for it.
From The Likeability Trap by Alicia Menendez
The real tragedy of the poor is the poverty of their aspirations.
From The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
The transmission of information is a social act.
From The Information by James Gleick
A society that is open to change is a society that can progress.
A person can be smart, but people are dumb.
From Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
We are at the beginning of a revolution that is fundamentally changing the way we live, work, and relate to each other.
AI is not just a set of technical tools; it is a social and political phenomenon.
From Atlas of AI by Kate Crawford
Money is the most universal and most efficient system of mutual trust ever devised.
A rational society should be open to all ideas, even those we disagree with.
Ethics in AI must be prioritized to ensure fair outcomes for all.
From AI Superpowers by Kai-Fu Lee
Understanding the nature of networks can help us solve many of the challenges we face today.
Innovation is not just about technology; it’s about the social fabric that nurtures it.
From The Invention of Air by Steven Johnson
The public's distrust of experts is fueled by their own experiences.
From The Death of Expertise by Tom Nichols
The most important skill that humans have developed is the ability to cooperate in large groups.
The ethical implications of AI are as important as the technology itself.
From Genius Makers by Cade Metz
AI ethics is not just a technical issue; it’s a societal one.
From T-Minus AI by Michael Kanaan
We must stop equating success with being extroverted.
Social structures will emerge naturally in the aftermath of chaos.
The language of debt is the language of power.
Faith can be a powerful force for social cohesion.
From The Evolution of God by Robert Wright
A rat in a maze is free to go anywhere, as long as it stays inside the maze.
From The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
You will get rich by giving society what it wants but does not yet know how to get.
The rise of the sovereign individual will challenge traditional institutions.
We live in an age where ignorance is celebrated.
From The Death of Expertise by Tom Nichols
The idea of a debt-free society is not merely a utopian dream.
AI has the potential to change industries, but it can also disrupt societies.
The differences in wealth and power among the world's peoples are not due to inherent differences in intelligence or ability.
From Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond
The lack of transparency in algorithms can lead to discrimination and injustice.
The culture we live in shapes our moral intuitions.
From The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt
The history of money is the history of civilization.
From The Ascent of Money by Niall Ferguson
The evolution of everything is the result of the cumulative effects of the actions of individuals.
You can't understand a city without using the language of the city.
From The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson
The camp is a microcosm of our society.
The disease is not simply a biological phenomenon; it is also a social one.
The individual has always to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
From The Gay Science by Friedrich Nietzsche
The history of the world is a history of beverages.
The open society is a society in which individuals are free to express themselves.
Human progress has been a result of collective knowledge.
Death is a part of life, yet it remains a taboo subject.
The family’s reaction was one of horror.
From The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Man is defined as a human being and woman as a female - whenever she behaves as a human being she is said to imitate the male.
From The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
Different moral foundations lead to different political ideologies.
From The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt
What we do with our dead reflects our values as a society.
People began to realize that they could communicate instantly across vast distances.
From The Victorian Internet by Tom Standage
The internet allows for the amplification of bad ideas.
From The Death of Expertise by Tom Nichols
Cultural changes have played a significant role in reducing violence.
Innovation is not the product of genius but the result of collaboration.
We also predestine and condition. We decant our babies as socialized human beings.
From Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The risk of misalignment in AI systems can have profound consequences.
From The Alignment Problem by Brian Christian
Women must navigate a complex web of expectations.
From The Likeability Trap by Alicia Menendez
Geographic luck played a significant role in shaping the fates of societies.
From Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond
Our society’s obsession with being constantly connected is detrimental to our sleep.
The grocery store is a microcosm of the world, reflecting both the beauty and the absurdity of human life.
Knowledge is not just power; it is the foundation of a functioning society.
From The Death of Expertise by Tom Nichols
The integration of AI into society must be done thoughtfully and inclusively.
From T-Minus AI by Michael Kanaan
The future is already here – it's just not very evenly distributed.
From Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Women must navigate a complex landscape of expectations.
From The Likeability Trap by Alicia Menendez
In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.
From The Information by James Gleick
Human beings are creatures of custom and habit.
From The Golden Bough by James George Frazer
Debt is one of the most important social concepts in human history.
We have a strange relationship with our dead.
Our culture glorifies busyness, but it doesn't lead to happiness.
Women are often taught to be nice and accommodating.
From The Myth of the Nice Girl by Fran Hauser
The Royal Society became a haven for those who sought answers beyond the dogmas of the past.
Education is no longer about learning but rather about credentialing.
From The Death of Expertise by Tom Nichols
Markets are a product of human interaction.
Communication is essential for sharing knowledge and rebuilding society.
The search for longitude became a national obsession.
From Longitude by Dava Sobel
What we choose to eat reflects our values as a society.
We must consider the long-term implications of our technological advancements.
From The Alignment Problem by Brian Christian
Memes are to culture what genes are to life.
From The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins
Debt can be a means of social control.
Revolutions are not made by the majority but by a minority.
We must question who benefits from AI and at what cost.
From Atlas of AI by Kate Crawford
The technology behind Bitcoin could change the world in ways we can only begin to imagine.
Salt has shaped economies and societies throughout history.
From Salt: A World History by Mark Kurlansky
The liberation of women is the liberation of humanity.
From The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
The challenge is to find a balance between skepticism and trust in expertise.
From The Death of Expertise by Tom Nichols