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We are on the brink of a new scientific revolution.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterized by a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital, and biological worlds.
Metaobject protocols have the potential to revolutionize the way we think about programming languages.
Newton's work represented a monumental shift in how humanity viewed the cosmos.
The Agricultural Revolution was history's biggest fraud.
Radical self-love is a revolutionary act.
Scientific progress is a series of peaceful interludes punctuated by intellectually violent revolutions.
Revolutions in science do not occur in a vacuum; they are influenced by cultural, social, and historical contexts.
The telegraph allowed for the first time the rapid dissemination of information.

From The Victorian Internet by Tom Standage

The crucifixion was not just an execution; it was a revolution.
The rise of Bitcoin is a revolution against the state and its monopoly on money.
The successive development of scientific knowledge is not an incremental process but a series of revolutions.
Long-term thinking is a revolutionary act.
Scientific revolutions are not cumulative; they change the world view.
The master algorithm will revolutionize every industry.

From The Master Algorithm by Pedro Domingos

Science progresses by a series of peaceful interludes punctuated by intellectually violent revolutions.
We are on the verge of a new technological revolution.
Machine learning is a revolution in how we think about intelligence.

From The Master Algorithm by Pedro Domingos

Revolutions are not made by the majority but by a minority.
Scientific revolutions are not made by the will of individual scientists.
Newton's work was not just a set of equations, but a profound shift in how we understand the universe.
We are on the verge of a global revolution that will redefine power structures.
The digital revolution was not a single event, but a series of innovations that built on one another.

From The Innovators by Walter Isaacson

The power of words can ignite revolutions.
The agricultural revolution was history's biggest fraud.
We are witnessing the birth of a new financial system that is fundamentally different from the current one.
The next great revolution in technology will be driven by our understanding of the universe's laws.

From The Future of Humanity by Michio Kaku

We are at the beginning of a revolution that is fundamentally changing the way we live, work, and relate to each other.
The revolution will be about changing our culture’s perception of sleep.
In the right context, a single idea can lead to a revolution.
Bitcoin is a technological revolution that will change the way we think about money.
The Royal Society became a crucible for the scientific revolution, where ideas could be tested and challenged.
CRISPR is not just a technology; it’s a revolution in biology.

From The Code Breaker by Walter Isaacson

We are at the beginning of a new era, one that promises to be as profound as the Industrial Revolution.
Jesus was a revolutionary, a man who was willing to die for his beliefs.
Scientific revolutions are not the result of a gradual accumulation of knowledge.
The history of science is a series of peaceful interludes punctuated by intellectually violent revolutions.
Ethereum was not just a currency; it was a revolution.

From The Infinite Machine by Camila Russo

The history of science is a history of revolutions.
Bitcoin is not just a currency, it is a revolution in the way we think about money.
Ethereum was not just a platform; it was a revolution.

From The Infinite Machine by Camila Russo

A scientific revolution is the tradition-shattering replacement of one framework of scientific practice by another.
The introduction of the container revolutionized the way goods are transported.
The blockchain is a revolutionary technology.