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Thomas S. Kuhn
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Revolutions in science do not occur in a vacuum; they are influenced by cultural, social, and historical contexts.
The man who is only a thinker is not a scientist.
Scientific progress is not the result of a linear accumulation of knowledge but rather a series of paradigm shifts.
The process of scientific development is not linear but rather cyclical.
What people actually do when they are confronted with a scientific puzzle is to look for a solution within the framework of the existing paradigm.
A paradigm shift occurs when a new theory emerges that offers a better explanation of the data.
In the sciences, as in the arts, all the significant breakthroughs occur when a whole system of thought is abandoned.
Theories are not merely tools for prediction but also serve as the basis for the interpretation of new observations.
The shift from one paradigm to another is not a gradual process but rather a sudden transformation.
The man who is convinced of the truth of his beliefs is not likely to be open to the possibility that they are wrong.