Author Collection


1 book with highlights


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The church is the guardian of divine revelation.

From The History of the Church

Through trials and persecutions, the church strengthens its resolve and commitment to truth.

From The History of the Church

The teachings of Christ continue to illuminate the path for believers in every generation.

From The History of the Church

The history of the church is a record of the divine plan.

From The History of the Church

The spread of Christianity is a testament to the enduring power of the message of salvation.

From The History of the Church

For it is not the doctrine alone that is essential, but the life of the church which embodies that doctrine.

From The History of the Church

The church, which is the body of Christ, is made up of many members.

From The History of the Church

Martyrdom is a witness to the truth of the faith.

From The History of the Church

The martyrs, by their unwavering faith, have shown the world the true power of belief.

From The History of the Church

The testimony of our Lord and Saviour was given to us by the prophets.

From The History of the Church