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Explore Books, Authors and Common Highlights on Divinity

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In the pursuit of the divine, we find ourselves.

From A History of God by Karen Armstrong

The divine has a personal relationship with the world.

From God: A Biography by Jack Miles

The Gnostic texts suggest that the divine is accessible to everyone, not just a select few.

From The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels

God is not a being among other beings, but the ground of being itself.

From The Case for God by Karen Armstrong

The history of the church is a record of the divine plan.

From The History of the Church by Eusebius

The most common and perhaps the most important feature of religious experience is the sense of the divine.
Divinity is not a state; it is a relationship.

From God: A Human History by Reza Aslan

God was a word that referred to a particular kind of experience.

From A History of God by Karen Armstrong

The divine life unfolds through history.

From God: A Biography by Jack Miles

The divine is not something to be understood but something to be experienced.

From God: A Human History by Reza Aslan

The divine is often experienced through community.

From The Battle for God by Karen Armstrong

To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth.

From The Quran by Anonymous

Throughout history, God has been understood in many ways.

From A History of God by Karen Armstrong

In every act of creation, there is a hint of divine intention.

From God: A Biography by Jack Miles

The more perfect a thing is, the more it resembles the Supreme Being.
The divine is found within each person, not imposed from without.

From The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels

The sacred is a manifestation of the divine in the world.
The purpose of life is to realize our inherent divinity.

From The World's Religions by Huston Smith

The soul's journey is one of awakening to the divine within.

From The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels

Every religion offers a unique lens through which to view the divine.

From God: A Biography by Jack Miles

To understand the divine is to realize that our understanding is always limited.
The divine is often a reflection of human values and aspirations.

From The Evolution of God by Robert Wright

God is not a being; he is a force that permeates the universe.

From The Case for God by Karen Armstrong

The Gnostic perspective allows for a more intimate relationship with God.

From The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels

The divine is not something we can possess; it is a mystery we engage with.

From The Case for God by Karen Armstrong