Author Collection

Gino Wickman

1 book with highlights


Featured Highlights

Clarity is the antidote to fear.

From Traction

The most successful companies are those that truly understand their core values.

From Traction

If you don’t have a plan, you are planning to fail.

From Traction

You need to be willing to take risks to achieve great things.

From Traction

The world is full of ideas, but execution is everything.

From Traction

Vision without traction is merely hallucination.

From Traction

The key to success is to start before you are ready.

From Traction

People don’t have to be perfect, but they do have to be real.

From Traction

You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.

From Traction

A strong team is a powerful weapon.

From Traction