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Explore Books, Authors and Common Highlights on Buddhism

Showing 10 of 10 highlights

By practicing compassion, we can transcend our own suffering.

From Why Buddhism Is True by Robert Wright

The practice of mindfulness helps cultivate a deeper awareness of our experiences.

From Why Buddhism Is True by Robert Wright

Awakening is about seeing the world as it is, not as we wish it to be.

From Why Buddhism Is True by Robert Wright

Embracing impermanence is key to understanding life and reducing suffering.

From Why Buddhism Is True by Robert Wright

Buddhism teaches that happiness is found in the moment, not in external circumstances.

From Why Buddhism Is True by Robert Wright

The illusion of a permanent self leads to suffering and dissatisfaction.

From Why Buddhism Is True by Robert Wright

Meditation allows us to observe our thoughts without being attached to them.

From Why Buddhism Is True by Robert Wright

The basic premise of Buddhism is that the mind is a source of suffering.

From Why Buddhism Is True by Robert Wright

The Buddha’s insight was that much of our suffering comes from craving.

From Why Buddhism Is True by Robert Wright

Our minds are like a glass of muddy water; when we still it, clarity arises.

From Why Buddhism Is True by Robert Wright