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Explore Books, Authors and Common Highlights on Crisis

Showing 18 of 18 highlights

Violence is often a response to spiritual crisis.

From The Battle for God by Karen Armstrong

In times of crisis, people often turn to religion for meaning and solace.
In times of crisis, people often revert to their spiritual roots.
Sleep deprivation is a public health crisis.
The extinction rate is now 100 times higher than the background rate.
The cholera outbreak in London was not just a medical crisis; it was a crisis of information.

From The Ghost Map by Steven Johnson

In times of crisis, people often turn to religion for solace and guidance.

From Why Religion? by Elaine Pagels

Species are disappearing at an alarming rate.
Species are disappearing at a rate unprecedented in human history.
Crisis and the emergence of new paradigms are essential to scientific development.
In times of crisis, the true character of a person is revealed.

From The Monuments Men by Robert M. Edsel

In the midst of crisis, innovation often flourishes.

From The Ghost Map by Steven Johnson

The ability to keep a cool head in a crisis is a key skill for investors.
Every financial crisis is a crisis of trust.

From The Ascent of Money by Niall Ferguson

We are facing a sixth extinction that is being driven by human activity.