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The pressure to perform was immense, and so was the temptation.
Running is not just about the physical; it's also about the mental.
Sports are a lens through which to view the complexity of human genetics.
From The Sports Gene by David Epstein
It was about survival in a ruthless environment.
Fear of losing kept us in the game.
Success in sports is often determined by how well you can read the game.
Extreme sports can teach us about the nature of risk and reward.
From The Rise of Superman by Steven Kotler
The truth is, we were all part of a system that enabled and encouraged doping.
We rationalized our decisions, telling ourselves it was the only way to compete.
The mind is the most important part of the game.
From The Mindful Athlete by George Mumford
Running brings people together, transcending boundaries and cultures.
There was an unspoken agreement that we all knew what was going on.
There’s no such thing as a perfect match.
From Open by Andre Agassi
Understanding genetics can help us unlock our potential in sports.
From The Sports Gene by David Epstein
I became part of a culture that valued results over integrity.
Athletic success is often the result of a perfect storm of factors.
From The Sports Gene by David Epstein
Basketball is a team game, and the best teams are those that play for each other.
From Eleven Rings by Phil Jackson
A record is not just a number; it’s the culmination of countless hours of effort.
From The Perfect Mile by Neal Bascomb
The truth is, we were all in on it.
Winning at all costs was the culture we lived in.
Winning at all costs was the mantra we lived by.
Racing is not just about the bike; it's about everything that surrounds it.
From Draft Animals by Phil Gaimon
To be a great cyclist, you need to be obsessed with speed.
The line between right and wrong blurred in the pursuit of success.
It was an exhilarating but dangerous game we were playing.
The ability to excel in sports is not just about training; it's about the right genetic makeup.
From The Sports Gene by David Epstein
Sometimes the hardest part isn't the race itself, but the training leading up to it.
From Draft Animals by Phil Gaimon
To be a great runner, you have to love running, and the Kenyans have that love.
The rise of extreme athletes is not just a phenomenon of sport; it is a cultural shift.
From The Rise of Superman by Steven Kotler
We were all searching for the edge.
Extreme sports are a laboratory for studying the flow state.
From The Rise of Superman by Steven Kotler
We were part of a culture that accepted cheating.
Success in endurance sports is often about how well you can manage your mind.
We all made choices that we believed were for the greater good.
Success in endurance sports comes from mastering the mental game as much as the physical.
There is no single path to success in sports; different athletes take different routes.
From The Sports Gene by David Epstein
You can’t control the outcome, but you can control your effort.
From Draft Animals by Phil Gaimon
Ports transformed into hubs of international commerce due to containerization.
Passion fuels the ride, but perseverance gets you to the finish line.
From Draft Animals by Phil Gaimon
Feedback is a critical component of learning and development in sports.
I wanted to be a professional cyclist, and I was willing to do whatever it took to get there.
From Draft Animals by Phil Gaimon