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Explore Books, Authors and Common Highlights on Limits

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The only limits in life are the ones you make.

From Let Your Mind Run by Deena Kastor

Understanding the limits of AI is as important as knowing its capabilities.
The four-minute mile became a symbol of what was possible when limits were pushed.

From The Perfect Mile by Neal Bascomb

Likeability can be a trap that limits ambition.
Challenge your limits to expand your potential.

From What Doesn't Kill Us by Scott Carney

Embrace your limits, and learn to work with them, not against them.

From Company of One by Paul Jarvis

Understanding the limits of prediction machines is crucial for effective deployment.
Our bodies are capable of far more than we give them credit for.
Every cyclist has a breaking point; the challenge is to push beyond it.
The limits of computation are defined by the Turing machine.
Every time you push through a barrier, you expand your limits.
Innovation is a key driver of growth, but it is also constrained by the limits of scaling.
Prediction is a powerful tool, but it has its limits.
The limits of computation are defined by the limits of what can be described algorithmically.
Embrace the challenge and push your limits.
The only limits that exist are the ones you create.

From Finding Ultra by Rich Roll

The only limits you have are the limits you believe.

From Permission to Dream by Chris Gardner

When we push our limits, we discover who we truly are.

From The Rise of Superman by Steven Kotler

Learn to listen to your body; it will tell you what it needs and how far you can push.
You are capable of more than you know; push your limits.

From Let Your Mind Run by Deena Kastor

Risk management is about understanding your limits.

From The Dao of Capital by Mark Spitznagel

The only limits in life are the ones you make.

From Permission to Dream by Chris Gardner

Recognizing your limits is a strength, not a weakness.
Understanding computation is understanding the limits of what can be achieved.
There are problems that are not computable.
Understanding your limits is key to safe climbing.
Limits are often self-imposed, and breaking through them requires mental fortitude.
The limits of computation are not the limits of the mind.
The fact that we are free does not mean that we are free to do anything.
Running teaches you to push beyond your limits.
Effective governance requires recognizing the limits of state knowledge and the value of local insights.

From Seeing Like a State by James C. Scott

Sustainability comes from knowing your limits and working within them.

From Company of One by Paul Jarvis

The thrill of competition drives us to push beyond our limits.

From The Perfect Mile by Neal Bascomb