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Explore Books, Authors and Common Highlights on Personal-growth

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Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it.

From The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

Becoming is better than being.

From Mindset by Carol S. Dweck

The most powerful thing you can be is yourself.

From Know Your Value by Mika Brzezinski

Your inner critic is not the expert on what you should do.

From Playing Big by Tara Mohr

Authenticity is not just a trait; it’s a way of being that requires courage and commitment.
If you want to fly, you have to give up the things that weigh you down.
You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.
You must know your value before others can recognize it.

From Know Your Value by Mika Brzezinski

Personal faith can be a powerful force for personal transformation.

From Why Religion? by Elaine Pagels

Until you value yourself, you won't value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.
If you want to be successful, you must be willing to be uncomfortable.
Start treating yourself like someone you love.
When we stop abandoning ourselves, we begin to rise.

From Untamed by Glennon Doyle

Your body language may shape who you are.

From Presence by Amy Cuddy

You are enough as you are right now.

From Own Your Everyday by Jordan Lee Dooley

It’s okay to not have it all figured out.

From Own Your Everyday by Jordan Lee Dooley

Be the hardest working person you know.

From Legacy by James Kerr

Your business is a reflection of you. If you want it to grow, you must grow first.
I am learning to love myself more and more every day.

From More Myself by Alicia Keys

You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously.
A library is not just a place to find books; it is a place to find oneself.

From The Library Book by Susan Orlean

Success is not about what you accomplish, but who you become.

From Own Your Everyday by Jordan Lee Dooley

When we are at our best, we are not just trying to survive. We are trying to thrive.

From Start with Why by Simon Sinek

Don't fake it till you make it. Fake it till you become it.

From Presence by Amy Cuddy

Your time and energy are precious resources.
When you find your voice, you find your power.

From Find Your Voice by Caroline Goyder

Our lives are the stories we tell ourselves.
You must define what success looks like for you.

From Drop the Ball by Tiffany Dufu

It’s okay to let go of what doesn’t serve you anymore.

From The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi

Indeed, Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.
Finding your voice is about discovering who you truly are.

From Find Your Voice by Caroline Goyder

Problems are the cutting edge that distinguishes between success and failure.
Let go of what no longer serves you.
The person who is most successful in life is the one who is most willing to take risk.
Invest in yourself; it pays the best interest.
Fear and doubt can hold you back from realizing your true potential.

From Know Your Value by Mika Brzezinski

Don't let fear dictate your choices.

From Wolfpack by Abby Wambach

Embrace the journey, not just the destination.

From The Mindful Athlete by George Mumford

The only way to eliminate fear is to move through it.
The most valuable thing you can do for yourself is to become stronger.

From Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe

Your relationship with money is a reflection of your relationship with yourself.

From The Financial Diet by Chelsea Fagan

Faith is a journey, not a destination.

From God: A Human History by Reza Aslan

Failure is an important part of your growth and developing resilience.

From Becoming by Michelle Obama

Embrace your limits, and learn to work with them, not against them.

From Company of One by Paul Jarvis

Doubt is a part of the process; it doesn’t define your journey.
Successful people are simply those with successful habits.

From The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

Great things come from hard work and perseverance. No excuses.

From The Mamba Mentality by Kobe Bryant

It's not about being the best; it's about being your best.
You can’t be brave if you’ve only had wonderful things happen to you.
Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.

From Atomic Habits by James Clear

Embrace the struggle, for it builds character and strength.

From Let Your Mind Run by Deena Kastor

You’re not a failure until you start blaming others.
You can’t find the right person until you’re the right person.

From The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

Genes are not destiny.

From The Sports Gene by David Epstein

You are a badass. You were born a badass. You just forgot.

From You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

What does not kill me makes me stronger.
Every day is a new opportunity to rewrite your story.

From The High 5 Habit by Mel Robbins

True forgiveness is when you can say, 'Thank you for that experience.'

From The Path Made Clear by Oprah Winfrey

You have to be willing to get rid of the life you planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for you.

From The Path Made Clear by Oprah Winfrey

You are the sum of your habits.

From Chasing Excellence by Ben Bergeron

Playing big means being true to yourself.

From Playing Big by Tara Mohr

What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.
It's okay to set boundaries.
Motivation is the fuel that drives the engine of improvement.
In the end, the only things we can control are our thoughts, our actions, and our attitudes.
Your financial journey is unique to you.

From Get Good with Money by Tiffany Aliche

Your financial journey is personal; don't compare it to anyone else's.

From The Financial Diet by Chelsea Fagan

Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.
The greatest task for any person is to find meaning in his or her life.
The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands.
The more important a call or action is to our soul’s evolution, the more Resistance we will feel toward pursuing it.

From The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

Authenticity is not about being perfect; it's about being real.
Authenticity resonates; be true to yourself.

From Find Your Voice by Caroline Goyder

Define success on your own terms.

From The Joy of Missing Out by Tonya Dalton

The willingness to show up changes us. It makes us a little braver each time.

From Rising Strong by Brené Brown

Understanding your breathing can unlock your potential.
You are not responsible for how other people respond to your boundaries.
We can’t practice compassion with other people if we can’t treat ourselves kindly.

From Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

The willingness to show up changes us. It makes us a little braver each time.

From Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

Confidence is not about being right; it's about being willing to be wrong.

From That's What She Said by Joanne Lipman

Fear is a prison; courage is the key.

From Out of the Ether by Matthew Leising

To will oneself free is to will oneself a task.
To find your own way is to follow your bliss.
You don't have to be perfect to be worthy.

From Own Your Everyday by Jordan Lee Dooley

Athletes must develop a high level of self-awareness to improve.
Invest in yourself; the returns are limitless.

From Power Moves by Lauren McGoodwin

The most important thing is to be honest with yourself.
We are all leaders in our own lives.

From Lead from the Outside by Stacey Abrams

Successful speculation requires a deep understanding of oneself.
The willingness to show up changes us. It makes us a little braver each time.
Invest in yourself; it pays the best interest.

From Power Moves by Lauren McGoodwin

I am learning that the most important thing I can do is to love myself.

From Untamed by Glennon Doyle

You are allowed to prioritize your own needs.
You can’t take a step forward until you know where you are.

From Seeking Wisdom by Peter Bevelin

I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.